We LOVED the snow last week. We had a blast playing, sledding, building snowmen, making snow ice cream, and just being together. I can't remember the last time we had so much snow. Most of the time it melts with in 24 hours. The boys loved it. I think we all loved the extra time off from school and work. We just wish Chuck could have been on break with us too.
Now it's back to reality. The boys have started basketball. School is in full swing. I can't believe the holidays are behind us. They go by way to fast. We had a GREAT Christmas. Even when the flu decided to camp out at our house. We made the best of it. The boys got most of all the things they asked for. The big hits were the xbox, bb gun, and ipod touches. That bb gun is still making me a nervous wreak. I feel like the mom on the Christmas story. BE CAREFUL YOU WILL SHOT YOUR EYE OUT! I can't believe the words were coming out of my mouth.
Garett is loving kindergarten. I am so impressed how far he has come over the past few months. He is getting way to big. BUT he still likes to remind me he is JUST a LITTLE boy. Of course he only pulls that card when he doesn't want to do something or he needs something. He is such a mess. But the cutest mess I have every seen!
Zachary is loving the middle school. He is the one that is transforming right before our eyes. He has changed so much in the past year. I can't believe before I know it I will have a teenager. Wow! Time flies! He amazes me how at times he seems so grown up. He is in that in between stage. Where he THINKS he knows it all and then other times he seems like a little boy again. I am not ready for the attitude to stay.
Chase is ready for 5th grade to be over. I don't think he realizes how different middle school is going to be. He is ready for baseball to start again. I miss it at times but not all the time it takes to do it. He is the one that has changed the least this year. But I know from Zachary in the spring time Chase will start transforming right before our eyes like his big brother did. I love that he still enjoys to snuggle with me. I am not ready to give that up yet!
I am headed to TCEA in Austin for a week in February. Be praying for Chuck! He will be home with the 3 boys all by himself. I know he will do just fine. I on the other hand have NEVER left the boys or Chuck for that long. I might be the one that needs the prayers.
Well I am off to see what the next adventure will be. The life of a mom of 3 boys is never dull! They keep me on my toes and keep me laughing. I would not want it any other way!